woensdag 2 maart 2011

Twitter: Social Media

Response to the following statement:

"The role of social media is grossly overestimated'.

I don't agree at all! I think even the opposite is true, it's still underestimated.

For example the revolutions in Egypt and Lybië, are all influenced by social media, it played a very big role in the spreading of ideas and dates for protests.

Secondly, wikileaks, there has been said a lot already, but this only confirms the big rol social media has, governments from all over the world have to be honest to themselves, with the role of information spreading so quickly, they need to be more open towards their people. If the don't want big problems will come in later generation, they need to be more oipen. Also because the younger generations are currently the ones who make use of social media the most.

Also communication between people happens, quicker, faster and easier than it ever was before. this makes is possible for also developed people and countries to increase their position in the world economy.

Futhermore, I am convinced the role of social media won't decrease the coming decades, I think it will only increase faster, quicker and play an even bigger role.

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